Sunday, May 1, 2016

L'chaim to life!

What I love about my work is that I get to meet soooo many new people on every new project I work on. Every fourth day I feel I have a new best friend or a soul brother or sister  just to realize a week later that all that bonding was just for those few days; earlier this was so confusing but 7 years down in this industry I have got use to it rather I have started enjoying it.
 I like this whole equation where I have a set of very few friends who are there forever  “in sickness and in health” and on the other hand I also keep meeting these Interesting people who I share a part of my life,  have an amazing time,  make awesome memories and that's that.

It's a reminder for me that there is nothing permanent in life and one got to keep moving on in order to really live it fully. Not everyone one is meant to stay and those awesome fun moments will end leaving behind great memories but one has to go on and make more awesome memories with a different bunch of people. 
Cheers to all of them who make my life so interesting and all of those who make my life worth living by just existing.